- Title: Velocity-specific and time-dependent adaptations following a standardized Nordic Hamstring Exercise training
- Author/s: Alt et al.
- Published in: Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports
- Publication date: January 2018
- Link: Abstract PubMed
- Fact: #13
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Specific adaptations
When running at high speed, your knee joints extend at a maximum angular velocity of ~1200°/s. However, your training should not necessarily incorporate similar movement speed.
A research study demonstrated that supramaximal NHE training at a very slow movement velocity (~15°/s) induced the biggest adaptations at high movement speed.
This paradox finding is based on the specific mechanisms of eccentric training which primarily addresses the fast twitch fibres and the muscle-tendon interaction. Bear in mind that specific adaptations are not necessarily the result of exercises which seem to be ‘specific’ in terms of movement velocity or involved joints.
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